

Though I do not open them regularly, any available slots are advertised a week early to my second tier patrons. Over there, I announce the time/date of opening at least a few days in advance so people can plan ahead, and slots are claimed on a first come first served basis.


I take payements through Paypal only, in euro. Postage and packaging on all dolls costs €22, and is not included in the price list below. I can ship worldwide, by registered post from Ireland. Tracking info will be given to you as soon as your doll has been shipped. I have an extensive fabric library that you can choose from once I know what colour/motifs you have in mind, but I can also order in materials. A small collection of my fabrics has been archive here:


(All prices will rise depending on complexity and materials)


• MUSHROOM SPRITE: begins at €150, est. size 5'' without cap - cap size varies

NOTES: Currently, I don't offer any hand-painted fabrics on my mushroom sprites (or large dolls) as seen in my earlier inkcap designs. Only the plain white cotton you see here is available for the head ,cape, under-cap and tail.

• MINI DOLL (wooden head): begins at €200, est. size 5''without hat - hat size varies

NOTES: These dolls work best with an eye-only face, as the surface of the wooden head is curved spherically. These dolls are also only available with black mitten style hands (not clawed).

• LARGE DOLL: begins at €300, est size 6'' without hat - hat size varies

NOTES: these dolls can have clawed, mitten or custom style hands in any colour. At the moment, I can only offer the rounded head shape seen here.